Menatelecom Goes Live with 4G LTE Interconnect Solution from Cerillion

London, 17th March 2014 – Cerillion Technologies today announced the completed implementation of its Interconnect Manager system for Menatelecom, an innovative WiMax / 4G LTE communications provider in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Against an extremely tight project timescale, Cerillion delivered a full turnkey solution to support all Menatelecom’s interconnect agreements.
Key to the success of the project was Cerillion’s ability to manage complex and unusual interconnect routing scenarios, as well as the flexibility to correlate and merge IP and H.323 usage records to derive the required intercarrier billing information. The automation of the Cerillion solution has resulted in increased interconnect billing accuracy and shortened Menatelecom settlement cycles.
“The Cerillion solution has provided us with greater operational flexibility and the ability to proactively manage our interconnect routes and agreements” commented Mr. Abdul Razak Jawahery, Chairman of Menatelecom. “The system has also helped us to monitor and improve our network performance through a comprehensive suite of quality of service (QoS) reports.”
“I am delighted to announce this new interconnect contract with Menatelecom, our first win in the Middle East region” added Louis Hall, CEO, Cerillion Technologies. “By enabling Menatelecom to manage its interconnect partners efficiently and accurately, we are confident that Interconnect Manager will help to maximise the return on investment (RoI) for its WiMax / 4G LTE network and improve overall profitability.”
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About Menatelecom
Menatelecom is an investment subsidiary of Kuwait Finance House (Bahrain), and the first company in the World to launch nationwide WiMax 802.16e end-to-end network and the first telecoms operator in the Kingdom of Bahrain to launch a nationwide 4G LTE network.