Cerillion Blog
Digital Transformation

Multicloud and distributed cloud: An industry primer
With more and more enterprises turning to multiple cloud services, a move to distributed cloud set-ups becomes increasingly likely – perhaps even necessary. What are the differences between these two discrete cloud implementations, and what are the relative benefits and drawbacks of each approach? Cerillion Product Director Brian Coombs writes.

The doctor will see you now: subscription health apps
With the world facing the biggest healthcare crisis this century, subscription telehealth services are being deployed at an unprecedented rate, using mobile apps to deliver medical care outside the surgery. What are the pros and cons of telehealth treatments – and who foots the bill?

Subscription Trends 2020: the mid-year assessment
We cast our minds back to the beginning of the year, once again, and to the five predictions that Cerillion made for the biggest trends for the subscription industry in 2020; how have recent developments treated these expectations over half a year later?

Smart Devices, Smarter Billing: Subscriptions in the IoT Age
Businesses across all industries are identifying new and increasingly innovative sources of revenue, thanks to the ever-growing opportunities presented by the Internet of Things (IoT). How can subscription businesses capitalise on the potential of embedded sensor-based technology?